4 September 2014
Dear Jensen Family.
I decided to write because I felt like I didn't get enough time to write a good enough email because we only get 1 hour of time to use our emails. I sent a good amount of pictures of my district and my companion this past week.
I don't think a lot of these guys have ever been a couple days away from their parents in their lives. Some don't know how to cook or clean. One guy isn't investing himself in the Spanish language, he just sleeps during class, or is just not paying attention. I am the senior companion, so I am the leader. I write the lessons in Spanish and he reads his part and has no idea what he is saying, or how to pronounce words, even thought we study it before hand. I am not sure if he doesn't understand it or if he just isn't trying very hard. Luckily, I have been blessed and am picking up Spanish muy rapido. I will be ready to go when I get there and Spanish is just seeming to come naturally.
I'm very glad that I spent a year out of the house. It was good for me and helped me mature a lot. Out of the nine boys in my district, I am the only 19 year old, and there is one 20 year old, but the rest are fresh out of high school and 18 years of age.
Katie, I am so proud of you for trying new things! I know your going to do great, and even if you don't make cheerleading this year, at least you tried. I will pray for you to make it! I love you!
Mom, thanks for the donuts, my companion and district and I really enjoyed them. I can get stamps here, so no need to send me them. I am very grateful for you letters, they give me strength when I am weary. I am looking forward to eating some home cooked food in two years when I get home because the food here - es muy Mal! It is so fake.
Em, How was Texas? How are your classes? It is weird to think that you will be graduated and out of in the real world when I'm back. I know you you will make a great nurse, and eventually some kind of Doctor. BTW, I made it a week here, and I will make it another 103 weeks here. What you said that day will motivate me for the rest of my mission.
I love all of you, and will write again next Thursday. Can you get my email to Savannah. I want to write to her. I will see you all in 103 weeks,
With much love for you all,
Elder Matthew Jensen
Btw 4 of the kids in my district are headed to my mission, including my companion.
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